For a long time I have been collecting joint photos of Barış Manço and Cem Karaca. Several times I met statements that they were rivals, enemies, were strongly disagreeing with each other in politics (Manço is right-wing, Karaca is left-wing), etc. Well, there was something in that vein, of course, but it is immediately clear that two men like them cannot be enemies.
Most famous photo. 1978, Karaca in a worker's costume, he was a communist and advocated the proletarian revolution. How to interpret Manço's vestment is hard to say, probably something like a dervish. İt is believed that here they demonstrate the difference in their political and social views:
From the same photo shoot, they're not demonstrating anything here:
Here's an early photo. It's rare, it's a printscreen, the inscription cannot be removed. It's a quote from a Manço song, translation: "Don't forget the world is mortal." It's his favorite theme. I don't know who the third person is.
Another early one. Walking somewhere on the sea:
Another early one, from Hey magazine. The text is not all legible, but they met and talked.
The Famous Series:
Hospital Series.
1974. Karaca is in the hospital after a car accident, Manço comes to see him and puts a blue bead on him as a remedy for the evil eye (whether Karaca believed in the evil eye, I don't know).
This is also Karaca in bed, here he is being entertained by a lot of people, Manço is the extreme left:
1979. Now it is Manço who is in hospital after a car accident, Karaca comes to console him:
Caption for the first picture:
Our Art World is soft-harsh
Barış and Cem were two people with opposite temperaments. The former was gentle, while the latter had a ** temperament in almost every area, from personal relationships to music. This temperament, which had influenced their every move throughout their twenty years of creative life, was also evident on this rare day when they met. While Barış was looking calmly at his steel corsets, Cem raised his fists to the sky and recounted his memories of Germany with a sense of rebellion.
The most touching photo:
Then Karaca went to Germany for a long time, the following photos belong to the later period. Manço was often in Germany at that time, even lived there, but I have not seen any joint photos from Germany (however, the above photo may belong to this period).
And these ones appear to have been taken during Manço's TV program:
The same:
Them together by a host, don't know her name, on her TV program where they sang together for the second time Uzun ince bir yoldayım:
Fan-made drawings based on their photos:
A cartoonist depicted their quarrel, apparently over political differences:
The funniest drawing. While drawing Karaca, the caricaturist got naughty (enlarge to view).
Then they were both already dead. Translation of the text: "Kings. Talking while sitting in the sky."
Two of their joint performances with the song Uzun ince bir yoldayım by Aşık Veysel:
In this recording, the song is at minute 6:
And here, apparently, are the Turkish youth having fun. A recording made by the AI. This is Manço's song Unutamadım, which he and Karaca never sang together. Karaca's voice is synthesized and artificially inserted. It's turned out horribly so far, it doesn't sound like the real Karaca at all. But there's more to come. Soon there will be recordings that will be indistinguishable from the real ones.
Cem Karaca. Poem To Barış (on the death of Barış Manço).
PS. I know there was a rumor going around that they are paternal brothers, but that seems like complete nonsense to me.
Their kinship relationship was different. There were two sisters Balkan, Feride and Azra. Feride Balkan was the wife of Cem, and Azra Balkan was engaged to Barış (but it did not come to marriage). So Bariş and Cem were sort of "brothers-in-law".